Candidate Attendance

Upon joining 5 RANGER as a candidate, you are not eligible to be assigned as reserve. You are held to the same attendance standard applied to players assigned to sections.

Regular Attendance

If assigned to an element as a regular, you are required to attend 60% or more main events. This policy is monitored and applied at the element commanders discretion, if endorsed by J1. Main events are defined in the Event Schedule . Regulars are required to sign up for events with yes or no via #events. Tentatives should be confirmed 2 days prior to event starting

Reserve Attendance

On appointment to ranger, you are eligible to be assigned as reserve. Reserves are not held to any attendance requirements, but are managed at J0's discretion.

Leave of Absence

For regulars, it is at your element commanders discretion on how they want to track absences. If desired, we have made available an LOA system to aide tracking future absences.

Who does it apply to?

Anyone who is classed as a regular, and that plans to be absent from more than one main event at a time.

How does it work?

Post in #loa using the template at the top of the channel. Your post will be deleted once your LOA period has elapsed.