
A leading, respected and welcoming combined arms milsim, multi-game community powered by its collaborative people and backed by authenticity and immersion, spearheading dynamic and fun operations.


To tailor a consistent, authentic and fun combined arms operation experience, supported by a curated emotionally intelligent community.


By all means.


Combined arms, dynamic campaigns, authentic experience.


We’ve picked two core values to guide us on our journey.

Emotional Intelligence means being able to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This is coupled with self awareness and self control, always being mindful of what we’re doing, and how that may affect others, with the goal of fostering an inclusive and friendly environment regardless of personalities and dynamics.

By practising emotional intelligence, we ensure that all interactions within our group are respectful, supportive, and conducive to a positive gaming experience, ultimately strengthening our bonds and friendships.

Intellectual Humility means recognising our knowledge and beliefs may be limited or flawed, and to be the best we have to trust and leverage each other's contributions. This is coupled with an openness to new ideas, contradiction, differing views, and the understanding that there may not be a “right or wrong” answer, but a best effort with a spectrum of impact.

By practising intellectual humility, we can all collaborate in our journey to be the best version of ourselves, and the best version of the community we can be.


Use a combined arms Order of Battle, capable of…