ORBAT stands for Order of Battle. It's a structured listing of military units and their composition. We use it to provide structure to the community in-game as well as to the staff branches outside game.

The following ORBAT is live, using Discord roles to populate. If there is a mismatch, please inform your 2IC or Comd.

We also have a Google Sheet view, which we use for planning. That can be viewed here but it's not "live" and "to date":


Element Roles

Dismounted / Mounted Close Combat Infantry (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3)

To close with, and destroy the enemy.

Our infantry elements operate both dismounted (through Protected Patrol Vehicles) and mounted (through Armoured Fighting Vehicles). They, whilst being supported by our other elements, are to defeat the enemy through close combat.

They are organised into 8 man "Sections". 3 Sections makes a platoon.